Departmental Honors

Graduation Honors

To earn Departmental Honors at graduation, a student must:

  • Graduate with an overall GPA of 3.500.
  • Graduate with a political science GPA of at least 3.700.

No thesis is required. Students with these GPAs do not need to apply to graduate with Departmental Honors. All graduates’ records are automatically screened after their final semester and those with appropriate GPAs will be awarded Honors on their diplomas.

Political Science Honor Society

The department of political science boasts the Delta Pi chapter of the national honor society for political science, Pi Sigma Alpha. Pi Sigma Alpha offers a number of benefits, including scholarships for graduate school and Washington, D.C. internships, and provides a jobs database for members. If you take a federal government job, PSA membership qualifies you for a higher pay grade. For more information, please visit Pi Sigma Alpha’s national website.

To be eligible for membership, you must:

  • be a political science major
  • be a junior, senior, or graduate student
  • have at least 10 credits of political science
  • have at least a 3.5 GPA in political science
  • have a GPA in the top 1/3 of your class (about a 3.5)

Pi Sigma Alpha’s advisor is Prof. Costantino Pischedda. If you are interested in joining and believe you may be eligible, please contact Prof. Pischedda.
