Law and Politics Minor Requirements

The Department of Political Science (POL), in collaboration with other departments and programs in the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), offers a minor in Law and Politics (LAP). Students must earn a grade of C- or higher in each course and an overall GPA of 2.0 to complete the LAP minor. Any questions related to requirements should be directed to the POL Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Curriculum Requirements

Required Introductory Course (3 credits)

  • POL 201 Introduction to American National Government

The U.S. Constitution (3 credits)

Complete at least 1 of the following:

  • POL 313 The Constitution
  • POL 373 Constitutional Law I 1
  • POL 374 Constitutional Law II 1

Electives (12 credits)

Complete at least 4 of the following:

  • AMS 325 Topics in American Studies: Law
  • CLA 232 Ancient Greek and Roman Law
  • CLA 243 Ancient Politics: Theory and Practice in Greece and Rome
  • ENG 242 Literature and Law
  • WRS 331 Legal Writing
  • WRS 334 Legal Writing
  • HIS 302 History on Trial: Law and American Society
  • HIS 376 American Legal and Constitutional History
  • PHI 107 Introduction to Philosophy and Law
  • PHI 110 Critical Thinking
  • PHI 215 Logic and Law
  • PHI 332 Philosophy of Law
  • PHI 333 Philosophical foundations of criminal law
  • PHI 532 Legal Philosophy
  • POL 324 Crime and Punishment: Implicit Bias in the Justice System
  • POL 325 Hot Topics in the Criminal Justice System
  • POL 353 Interest Groups and Lobbying
  • POL 373 Constitutional Law I
  • POL 374 Constitutional Law II
  • POL 519 Introduction to Game Theory for Political Science
  • POL 526 Administrative Law
  • POL 541 Philosophy of Law
  • REL 312 The Torah and Ancient Law
  • SOC 271 Criminal Justice
  • SOC 369 Crime and Public Policy
  • SOC 378 Criminology: Law and Society
  • THA 107 Theatre Skills Are Life Skills

The following courses will be considered for elective credit with advisor approval:

  • POL 393 Special Topics in Public Administration, Policy, and Law
  • POL 396 Transfer Credit in Public Administration, Policy, and Law
  • POL 520 Internship
  • POL 521 Public Affairs Internship
  • POL 596 Special Topics in Public Administration, Policy, and Law

1 POL 373 and 374 are not a sequence; they can be completed in any order.

Other Requirements

-A minimum final grade of C- in all courses
-A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 in all courses
-A minimum of 9 credits must be earned in residency at UM; thus, only a maximum of 6 credits can be transferred from other institutions as eligiblecredits.
